

The NFT 2.0 based marketplace for derivative works

Royalty Incentivization

Creators receive royalties from a reproducer’s revenue via the NFT smart contract. This speeds up collaboration and sharing benefits between author and re-publisher, resulting in more income for both parties.

Automatic copyright licensing

The existing licencing processes of derivative content is mostly manual and time consuming. With an NFT 2.0 smart contract, these processes can be automated.

Support Rental & Subscription

Derivative content such as: song remixes, subtitled videos, edited images, learning contents, translated book… often have revenue from the rental and subscription business model.


Creators receive royalties from a reproducer’s revenue via the NFT smart contract. This speeds up collaboration and sharing benefits between author and re-publisher, resulting in more income for both parties.


The existing licencing processes of derivative content is mostly manual and time consuming. With an NFT 2.0 smart contract, these processes can be automated.


Derivative content such as: song remixes, subtitled videos, edited images, learning contents, translated book… often have revenue from the rental and subscription business model.


One Protocol

The content world is full of many content types. Content types matter at application level but at the licensing protocol layer it is the same. Therefore, there is only one protocol needed to serve all.

Content as a Service

DareWork will host all types of content on IPFS and provides it as a service so that content consuming platforms can stream them on-demand.


Plagiarism Check

Blockchain alone can’t check if two pieces of content are identical. Therefore, an AI-based algorithm plagiarism check is necessary to confirm the author’s work.

Know your Content

By gathering NFTify content from content platforms - DareWork ‘Know your Content’ is unique tool which forms a relationship with other content.